I love this project, started by Ali Edwards (HERE). I've made about five WITL albums over the years and treasure them. I don't participate every year - happy to leave a year or two between them - but I love what I have.
I was going to sit this one out (I made a cute 3x8 album last year) - to be honest, I just wasn't in the photo-taking mood. But with all the excitement around this project I started to get some serious FOMO and tried to think of a way I could make it work this year.
I settled on documenting just three stories per day - morning, noon and night - with three photos.
I took some morning photos when I got to work Monday and started a note in Simplenote just to jot down some thoughts and document what was happening three times a day.
I work in the city Monday to Wednesday so I had to wait until Thursday to actually work on my pages. I had some ideas for a very simple, minimal design to get the words + photos together. I always find it easier to design pages once I have actual photos and words to slot in.

Once I have my first day done, the rest is easy. I am a fan of repetition and having a system. For each day, I have a daily title page, a morning, afternoon and evening story (with a full page photo to go with each) and a final 'Currents' page.

I'm not using any products, just concentrating on words and photos.
I'm making my pages digitally in Photoshop Elements and will print as another 5x8 Trade Book with Blurb at the end of the week.
Glad I jumped in.

Here is a little video showing how I set my page template up. Thanks!